
主頁(yè) > 知識(shí)庫(kù) > HTANoid 用hta編寫的一個(gè)經(jīng)典的游戲

HTANoid 用hta編寫的一個(gè)經(jīng)典的游戲

熱門標(biāo)簽:南昌辦理400電話怎么安裝 哈爾濱外呼系統(tǒng)代理商 鄭州智能外呼系統(tǒng)運(yùn)營(yíng)商 電話機(jī)器人適用業(yè)務(wù) 佛山防封外呼系統(tǒng)收費(fèi) 徐州天音防封電銷卡 獲客智能電銷機(jī)器人 湛江電銷防封卡 不錯(cuò)的400電話辦理
This game is not finished. The purpose was just to show you that you can do some graphical things without having to use external pictures.
If you want to develop this game, please submit your updates.

File Name : htanoid.hta
Requirement : IE 6 ?
Author : Jean-Luc Antoine
Submitted : 17/05/2002
Category : Other



復(fù)制代碼 代碼如下:

html xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" XMLNS:t="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:time">

 BORDER="thick" | "dialog" | "none"  | "thin"
 BORDERSTYLE="normal" | "complex" | "raised"  | "static"  | "sunken"
 ID="oHTA" alert(oHTA.applicationName);
 SYSMENU="yes" VERSION="0.5"
 WINDOWSTATE="normal" | "maximize" | "minimize">

script language=vbscript>
Option explicit
Const C_ScreenW=400
Const C_NbX=12
Const C_NbY=10
Dim Terrain(10,12)
Dim RaqX,RaqW,Playing,BalleX,BalleY
Dim DirBX,DirBY 'Direction balle X,Y
Dim BordDroit

Sub Document_onKeyPress()
 Select Case UCase(Chr(Window.Event.keyCode))
 Case "P"
  Msgbox "pause"
 End Select
End Sub

Sub Document_onClick()
 'document.title="click " window.event.button
End Sub

Sub Document_onMouseMove()
 RaqX=window.event.clientX-RaqW '.shiftKey .keyCode .ctrlKey .button .altKey
 If RaqX16 Then RaqX=16 'Mur gauche
 If RaqX+RaqW>BordDroit Then RaqX=BordDroit-RaqW
 If Not Playing Then
 End If
End Sub

Sub DrawLevel(n)
 Dim k,x,y
 set k=document.getElementById("Raquette")
 For y=0 To C_NbY
  For x=0 To C_NbX
   Terrain(y,x)=0 'Nb de coups restant à porter

 Select Case n
 Case 1
  For y=0 To 5
   For x=0 To C_NbX
    k.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeBegin","TABLE style='position:absolute;top=" 102+14*y ";left=" 16+27*x _
     ";width=25;height=10;' bgcolor=" Array("silver","red","yellow","blue","magenta","lightgreen")(y) ">TR>TD>/TD>/TR>/TABLE>"
 End Select
End Sub

Sub Init
 Dim x,y,k
 Window.MoveTo screen.Width/2-200,0
 Window.ReSizeTo C_ScreenW,484

 'Lives Left
 set k=document.getElementById("Raquette")
 'CreateElement + insertAdjacentElement
 For x=0 To 2
  k.insertAdjacentHTML "beforeBegin","v:group style='position:absolute;top=430;left=" 16+x*30 _
    ";width:15pc;height:5pc;'>v:roundrect style='width:100;height:100;' fillcolor=red>v:fill type='gradient'/>/v:roundrect>" _
    "v:rect style='position:relative;left:10;top:2;width:80;height:90' strokecolor=black>v:fill type='gradient' color=#4682b4 focus=0.2 />/v:rect>/v:group>"

 DrawLevel 1

 window.setTimeout "Gere",10
End Sub

Sub Gere
 If Playing Then
  'Déplacement de la balle
  If DirBX>0 Then
   If BalleX+DirBX>BordDroit-10 Then DirBX=0-DirBx
   If BalleX+DirBX16 Then DirBX=0-DirBx
  End If
  If DirBY>0 Then
   If BalleY+DirBY>400 Then DirBY=0-DirBY
   If BalleY+DirBY50 Then DirBY=0-DirBY
  End If
 End If
 window.setTimeout "Gere",10
End Sub
STYLE TYPE="text/css">
 v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
 t\:* {behavior:url(#default#time2)}

  font-family: "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif";
  font-size: 8pt;
  border:'0pix groove';
.score {
  font-size: 10pt;

body topmargin=0 leftmargin=0 rightmargin=0 onload="vbscript:init">
!-- Panel de score -->
CENTER>font size=2 color=red>b>HIGH SCORE/b>/font>br>table cellspacing=0 width=100%>tr>td width=50% align=center>
div id=Score class=score>1234/div>/td>td>div id=HighScore class=score>123400/div>/td>/tr>/table>/CENTER>

!-- terrain -->
table width=100% height=420 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>
tr height=14>td colspan=3>
 v:rect style='width:100%;height:15'>
 v:fill type="gradient" color=white color2=darkgray focus=3.3 />
tr height=100%>td width=15>
 v:rect style='width:15;height:100%' strokecolor="#666666" strokeweight="2pt">
 v:stroke dashstyle="dashdot" />
 v:fill type="gradient" angle="-90" color2=white color=darkgray focus=3.3 />

 td width=100%>

 v:oval id="balle" style='position:absolute;top=400;width:8;height:6' fillcolor=#009999 strokecolor=#0066FF id=boule>
 v:fill type=gradientradial color2=white focusposition=0.3,0.3  focussize=0.01,0.01 />

 v:group id=Raquette style='position:absolute;top=410;width:30pc;height:6pc;'>
 v:roundrect style='width:100;height:100;' fillcolor=red>
  v:fill type='gradient'/>/v:roundrect>
 v:rect style='position:relative;left:10;top:2;width:80;height:90' strokecolor=black>
  v:fill type='gradient' color=#4682b4 focus=0.2 />/v:rect>

 td  align=right>
 v:rect style='width:15;height:100%' strokecolor="#666666" strokeweight="2pt">
 v:stroke dashstyle="dashdot" />
 v:fill type="gradient" angle="-90" color2=white color=darkgray focus=3.3 />



標(biāo)簽:蕪湖 懷化 呂梁 蘭州 廣西 紹興 吉安 安康

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  • 下面列出與本文章《HTANoid 用hta編寫的一個(gè)經(jīng)典的游戲》相關(guān)的同類信息!
  • 本頁(yè)收集關(guān)于HTANoid 用hta編寫的一個(gè)經(jīng)典的游戲的相關(guān)信息資訊供網(wǎng)民參考!
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