Microsoft SQL Server™ 2000 提供了兩種主要機制來強制業(yè)務(wù)規(guī)則和數(shù)據(jù)完整性:約束和觸發(fā)器。觸發(fā)器是一種特殊類型的存儲過程,它不同于之前的我們介紹的存儲過程。觸發(fā)器主要是通過事件進行觸發(fā)被自動調(diào)用執(zhí)行的。而存儲過程可以通過存儲過程的名稱被調(diào)用。
Ø 什么是觸發(fā)器
觸發(fā)器對表進行插入、更新、刪除的時候會自動執(zhí)行的特殊存儲過程。觸發(fā)器一般用在check約束更加復(fù)雜的約束上面。觸發(fā)器和普通的存儲過程的區(qū)別是:觸發(fā)器是當(dāng)對某一個表進行操作。諸如:update、insert、delete這些操作的時候,系統(tǒng)會自動調(diào)用執(zhí)行該表上對應(yīng)的觸發(fā)器。SQL Server 2005中觸發(fā)器可以分為兩類:DML觸發(fā)器和DDL觸發(fā)器,其中DDL觸發(fā)器它們會影響多種數(shù)據(jù)定義語言語句而激發(fā),這些語句有create、alter、drop語句。
觸發(fā)器可以強制比用 CHECK 約束定義的約束更為復(fù)雜的約束。
與 CHECK 約束不同,觸發(fā)器可以引用其它表中的列。例如,觸發(fā)器可以使用另一個表中的 SELECT 比較插入或更新的數(shù)據(jù),以及執(zhí)行其它操作,如修改數(shù)據(jù)或顯示用戶定義錯誤信息。
1、 after觸發(fā)器(之后觸發(fā))
a、 insert觸發(fā)器
b、 update觸發(fā)器
c、 delete觸發(fā)器
2、 instead of 觸發(fā)器 (之前觸發(fā))
其中after觸發(fā)器要求只有執(zhí)行某一操作insert、update、delete之后觸發(fā)器才被觸發(fā),且只能定義在表上。而instead of觸發(fā)器表示并不執(zhí)行其定義的操作(insert、update、delete)而僅是執(zhí)行觸發(fā)器本身。既可以在表上定義instead of觸發(fā)器,也可以在視圖上定義。

Ø 創(chuàng)建觸發(fā)器
create trigger tgr_nameon table_namewith encrypion –加密觸發(fā)器 for Transact-SQL
# 創(chuàng)建insert類型觸發(fā)器
--創(chuàng)建insert插入類型觸發(fā)器if (object_id('tgr_classes_insert', 'tr') is not null) drop trigger tgr_classes_insertgocreate trigger tgr_classes_inserton classes for insert --插入觸發(fā)as --定義變量 declare @id int, @name varchar(20), @temp int; --在inserted表中查詢已經(jīng)插入記錄信息 select @id = id, @name = name from inserted; set @name = @name + convert(varchar, @id); set @temp = @id / 2; insert into student values(@name, 18 + @id, @temp, @id); print '添加學(xué)生成功!';go--插入數(shù)據(jù)insert into classes values('5班', getDate());--查詢數(shù)據(jù)select * from classes;select * from student order by id;
# 創(chuàng)建delete類型觸發(fā)器
--delete刪除類型觸發(fā)器if (object_id('tgr_classes_delete', 'TR') is not null) drop trigger tgr_classes_deletegocreate trigger tgr_classes_deleteon classes for delete --刪除觸發(fā)as print '備份數(shù)據(jù)中……'; if (object_id('classesBackup', 'U') is not null) --存在classesBackup,直接插入數(shù)據(jù) insert into classesBackup select name, createDate from deleted; else --不存在classesBackup創(chuàng)建再插入 select * into classesBackup from deleted; print '備份數(shù)據(jù)成功!';go----不顯示影響行數(shù)--set nocount on;delete classes where name = '5班';--查詢數(shù)據(jù)select * from classes;select * from classesBackup;
# 創(chuàng)建update類型觸發(fā)器
--update更新類型觸發(fā)器if (object_id('tgr_classes_update', 'TR') is not null) drop trigger tgr_classes_updategocreate trigger tgr_classes_updateon classes for updateas declare @oldName varchar(20), @newName varchar(20); --更新前的數(shù)據(jù) select @oldName = name from deleted; if (exists (select * from student where name like '%'+ @oldName + '%')) begin --更新后的數(shù)據(jù) select @newName = name from inserted; update student set name = replace(name, @oldName, @newName) where name like '%'+ @oldName + '%'; print '級聯(lián)修改數(shù)據(jù)成功!'; end else print '無需修改student表!';go--查詢數(shù)據(jù)select * from student order by id;select * from classes;update classes set name = '五班' where name = '5班';
# update更新列級觸發(fā)器
if (object_id('tgr_classes_update_column', 'TR') is not null) drop trigger tgr_classes_update_columngocreate trigger tgr_classes_update_columnon classes for updateas --列級觸發(fā)器:是否更新了班級創(chuàng)建時間 if (update(createDate)) begin raisError('系統(tǒng)提示:班級創(chuàng)建時間不能修改!', 16, 11); rollback tran; endgo--測試select * from student order by id;select * from classes;update classes set createDate = getDate() where id = 3;update classes set name = '四班' where id = 7;
# instead of類型觸發(fā)器
instead of觸發(fā)器表示并不執(zhí)行其定義的操作(insert、update、delete)而僅是執(zhí)行觸發(fā)器本身的內(nèi)容。
create trigger tgr_nameon table_namewith encryption instead of T-SQL
# 創(chuàng)建instead of觸發(fā)器
if (object_id('tgr_classes_inteadOf', 'TR') is not null) drop trigger tgr_classes_inteadOfgocreate trigger tgr_classes_inteadOfon classes instead of delete/*, update, insert*/as declare @id int, @name varchar(20); --查詢被刪除的信息,病賦值 select @id = id, @name = name from deleted; print 'id: ' + convert(varchar, @id) + ', name: ' + @name; --先刪除student的信息 delete student where cid = @id; --再刪除classes的信息 delete classes where id = @id; print '刪除[ id: ' + convert(varchar, @id) + ', name: ' + @name + ' ] 的信息成功!';go--testselect * from student order by id;select * from classes;delete classes where id = 7;
# 顯示自定義消息raiserror
if (object_id('tgr_message', 'TR') is not null) drop trigger tgr_messagegocreate trigger tgr_messageon student after insert, updateas raisError('tgr_message觸發(fā)器被觸發(fā)', 16, 10);go--testinsert into student values('lily', 22, 1, 7);update student set sex = 0 where name = 'lucy';select * from student order by id;
# 修改觸發(fā)器
alter trigger tgr_messageon studentafter deleteas raisError('tgr_message觸發(fā)器被觸發(fā)', 16, 10);go--testdelete from student where name = 'lucy';
# 啟用、禁用觸發(fā)器
--禁用觸發(fā)器disable trigger tgr_message on student;--啟用觸發(fā)器enable trigger tgr_message on student;
# 查詢創(chuàng)建的觸發(fā)器信息
--查詢已存在的觸發(fā)器select * from sys.triggers;select * from sys.objects where type = 'TR';--查看觸發(fā)器觸發(fā)事件select te.* from sys.trigger_events te join sys.triggers ton t.object_id = te.object_idwhere t.parent_class = 0 and = 'tgr_valid_data';--查看創(chuàng)建觸發(fā)器語句exec sp_helptext 'tgr_message';
# 示例,驗證插入數(shù)據(jù)
if ((object_id('tgr_valid_data', 'TR') is not null)) drop trigger tgr_valid_datagocreate trigger tgr_valid_dataon studentafter insertas declare @age int, @name varchar(20); select @name =, @age = s.age from inserted s; if (@age 18) begin raisError('插入新數(shù)據(jù)的age有問題', 16, 1); rollback tran; endgo--testinsert into student values('forest', 2, 0, 7);insert into student values('forest', 22, 0, 7);select * from student order by id;
# 示例,操作日志
if (object_id('log', 'U') is not null) drop table loggocreate table log( id int identity(1, 1) primary key, action varchar(20), createDate datetime default getDate())goif (exists (select * from sys.objects where name = 'tgr_student_log')) drop trigger tgr_student_loggocreate trigger tgr_student_logon studentafter insert, update, deleteas if ((exists (select 1 from inserted)) and (exists (select 1 from deleted))) begin insert into log(action) values('updated'); end else if (exists (select 1 from inserted) and not exists (select 1 from deleted)) begin insert into log(action) values('inserted'); end else if (not exists (select 1 from inserted) and exists (select 1 from deleted)) begin insert into log(action) values('deleted'); endgo--testinsert into student values('king', 22, 1, 7);update student set sex = 0 where name = 'king';delete student where name = 'king';select * from log;select * from student order by id;
以上所述是小編給大家介紹的sql server觸發(fā)器,希望對大家有所幫助,同時感謝大家一直以來對腳本之家網(wǎng)站的支持。
您可能感興趣的文章:- 存儲過程解密(破解函數(shù),過程,觸發(fā)器,視圖.僅限于SQLSERVER2000)
- SQL Server 觸發(fā)器 表的特定字段更新時,觸發(fā)Update觸發(fā)器
- SQL Server 2000中的觸發(fā)器使用
- sqlserver 禁用觸發(fā)器和啟用觸發(fā)器的語句
- SQLServer觸發(fā)器創(chuàng)建、刪除、修改、查看示例代碼
- 用sql腳本創(chuàng)建sqlserver數(shù)據(jù)庫觸發(fā)器范例語句
- SQL Server觸發(fā)器及觸發(fā)器中的事務(wù)學(xué)習(xí)
- sqlserver 觸發(fā)器教程
- sqlserver 觸發(fā)器實例代碼
- sqlserver 觸發(fā)器學(xué)習(xí)(實現(xiàn)自動編號)
- sqlserver中觸發(fā)器+游標(biāo)操作實現(xiàn)
- Sql Server觸發(fā)器的使用
- SQL SERVER中各類觸發(fā)器的完整語法及參數(shù)說明