Name | MemberType | Definition |
Equals | Method | bool Equals(System.Object obj) |
GetHashCode | Method | int GetHashCode() |
GetType | Method | type GetType() |
ToString | Method | string ToString() |
CommandType | Property | System.Management.Automation.CommandTypes CommandType {get;} |
DefaultParameterSet | Property | System.String DefaultParameterSet {get;} |
Definition | Property | System.String Definition {get;} |
HelpFile | Property | System.String HelpFile {get;} |
ImplementingType | Property | System.Type ImplementingType {get;} |
Module | Property | System.Management.Automation.PSModuleInfo Module {get;} |
ModuleName | Property | System.String ModuleName {get;} |
Name | Property | System.String Name {get;} |
Noun | Property | System.String Noun {get;} |
OutputType | Property | System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[[System.Management.Automation.PSTypeName, System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]] OutputType {get;} |
Parameters | Property | System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[[System.String, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089],[System.Management.Automation.ParameterMetadata, System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]] Parameters {get;} |
ParameterSets | Property | System.Collections.ObjectModel.ReadOnlyCollection`1[[System.Management.Automation.CommandParameterSetInfo, System.Management.Automation, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]] ParameterSets {get;} |
PSSnapIn | Property | System.Management.Automation.PSSnapInInfo PSSnapIn {get;} |
Verb | Property | System.String Verb {get;} |
Visibility | Property | System.Management.Automation.SessionStateEntryVisibility Visibility {get;set;} |
DLL | ScriptProperty | System.Object DLL {get=$this.ImplementingType.Assembly.Location;} |
HelpUri | ScriptProperty | System.Object HelpUri {get=try { # ok to cast CommandTypes enum to HelpCategory because string/indentifier for # cmdlet,function,filter,alias,externalscript is identical. # it is ok to fail for other enum values (i.e. for Application) $helpObject = get-help -Name ($this.Name) -Category ([string]($this.CommandType)) -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue# return first non-null uri (and try not to hit any strict mode things) if ($helpObject -eq $null) { return $null } if ($['relatedLinks'] -eq $null) { return $null } if ($['navigationLink'] -eq $null) { return $null } $helpUri = [string]$( $helpObject.relatedLinks.navigationLink | %{ if ($['uri'] -ne $null) { $_.uri } } | ?{ $_ } | select -first 1 ) return $helpUri } catch {};} |
Name | ModuleName | Help |
Add-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Add-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Add-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Add-Member | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Add-PSSnapin | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Add-Type | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Checkpoint-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Clear-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Clear-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Clear-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Clear-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Clear-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Clear-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Compare-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Complete-Transaction | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Connect-WSMan | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
ConvertFrom-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
ConvertFrom-SecureString | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
ConvertFrom-StringData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Convert-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
ConvertTo-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
ConvertTo-Html | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
ConvertTo-SecureString | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
ConvertTo-Xml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Copy-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Copy-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Debug-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Disable-ComputerRestore | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Disable-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Disable-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Disable-WSManCredSSP | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Disconnect-WSMan | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Enable-ComputerRestore | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Enable-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Enable-PSRemoting | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Enable-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Enable-WSManCredSSP | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Enter-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Exit-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Export-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Export-Clixml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Export-Console | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Export-Counter | Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics | help |
Export-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Export-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Export-ModuleMember | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Export-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
ForEach-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Format-Custom | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Format-List | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Format-Table | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Format-Wide | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Acl | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Get-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-AuthenticodeSignature | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Get-ChildItem | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-ComputerRestorePoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Counter | Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics | help |
Get-Credential | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Get-Culture | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Date | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-EventSubscriber | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-ExecutionPolicy | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Get-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Help | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-HotFix | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-Member | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-PfxCertificate | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Get-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-PSCallStack | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-PSProvider | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-PSSnapin | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Get-Random | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-TraceSource | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Transaction | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-UICulture | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Unique | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Get-WinEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics | help |
Get-WmiObject | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Get-WSManCredSSP | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Get-WSManInstance | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Group-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Import-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Import-Clixml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Import-Counter | Microsoft.PowerShell.Diagnostics | help |
Import-Csv | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Import-LocalizedData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Import-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Import-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Invoke-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Invoke-Expression | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Invoke-History | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Invoke-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Invoke-WmiMethod | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Invoke-WSManAction | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Join-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Limit-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Measure-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Measure-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Move-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Move-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
New-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
New-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
New-ModuleManifest | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
New-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
New-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
New-PSSessionOption | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
New-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-TimeSpan | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
New-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
New-WebServiceProxy | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
New-WSManInstance | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
New-WSManSessionOption | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Out-Default | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-File | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-GridView | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-Null | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-Printer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Out-String | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Pop-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Push-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Read-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Receive-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Register-EngineEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Register-ObjectEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Register-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Register-WmiEvent | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Remove-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Remove-Module | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Remove-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Remove-PSDrive | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-PSSession | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Remove-PSSnapin | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Remove-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Remove-WmiObject | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Remove-WSManInstance | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Rename-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Rename-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Reset-ComputerMachinePassword | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Resolve-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Restart-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Restart-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Restore-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Resume-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Select-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Select-String | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Select-Xml | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Send-MailMessage | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-Acl | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Set-Alias | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-AuthenticodeSignature | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Set-Content | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-Date | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-ExecutionPolicy | Microsoft.PowerShell.Security | help |
Set-Item | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-ItemProperty | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-Location | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-PSBreakpoint | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-PSDebug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Set-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Set-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-StrictMode | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Set-TraceSource | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-Variable | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Set-WmiInstance | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Set-WSManInstance | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Set-WSManQuickConfig | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Show-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Sort-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Split-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Start-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Start-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Start-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Start-Sleep | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Start-Transaction | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Start-Transcript | Microsoft.PowerShell.Host | help |
Stop-Computer | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Stop-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Stop-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Stop-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Stop-Transcript | Microsoft.PowerShell.Host | help |
Suspend-Service | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Tee-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Test-ComputerSecureChannel | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Test-Connection | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Test-ModuleManifest | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Test-Path | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Test-WSMan | Microsoft.WSMan.Management | help |
Trace-Command | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Undo-Transaction | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Unregister-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Unregister-PSSessionConfiguration | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Update-FormatData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Update-List | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Update-TypeData | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Use-Transaction | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Wait-Event | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Wait-Job | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Wait-Process | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Where-Object | Microsoft.PowerShell.Core | help |
Write-Debug | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-Error | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-EventLog | Microsoft.PowerShell.Management | help |
Write-Host | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-Output | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-Progress | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-Verbose | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
Write-Warning | Microsoft.PowerShell.Utility | help |
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