# Author :CaoJiangfeng
# Date:2011-09-28
# Version :1.0
use warnings;
use strict;
my %hash;
my $script = $0; # Get the script name
sub usage
printf("perl $script source_file> dest_file>\n");
# If the number of parameters less than 2 ,exit the script
if ( $#ARGV+1 2) {
exit 0;
my $source_file = $ARGV[0]; #File need to remove duplicate rows
my $dest_file = $ARGV[1]; # File after remove duplicates rows
open (FILE,"$source_file") or die "Cannot open file $!\n";
open (SORTED,">$dest_file") or die "Cannot open file $!\n";
while(defined (my $line = FILE>))
$hash{$line} += 1;
# print "$line,$hash{$line}\n";
foreach my $k (keys %hash) {
print SORTED "$k,$hash{$k}\n";#改行打印出列和該列出現(xiàn)的次數(shù)到目標(biāo)文件
close (FILE);
close (SORTED);