
主頁 > 知識庫 > ASP數(shù)據(jù)島操作類


熱門標(biāo)簽:企數(shù)外呼系統(tǒng)能用多久 蘭州智能語音電銷機(jī)器人功能 寧夏怎么申請400電話 離線電子地圖標(biāo)注軟件注冊 咸陽銷售外呼系統(tǒng) 為什么外呼系統(tǒng)需要預(yù)存話費呢 辦理400電話一年多少錢 常用地圖標(biāo)注范圍點 外呼回?fù)芟到y(tǒng)圖片
'            Programming By Smartpig                              '
Class TBGrid
    public DataSource                '數(shù)據(jù)源
    public style                     '表格總風(fēng)格
    public HeadStyle                 '表頭風(fēng)格
    public HeadItemStyle             '表頭單獨風(fēng)格
    public itemStyle                 '單元格獨立網(wǎng)絡(luò)
    public HeadSort      '表頭是否顯示排序功能
    public Columns                   '需要顯示的列元素
    public Alternate                 '是否交替風(fēng)格
    public AlternateStyle            '偶數(shù)行風(fēng)格
    public NormalStyle               '正常風(fēng)格
    public DefaultStyle              '默認(rèn)風(fēng)格簇
    public PageSize                  '頁大小
    public AllowPageing              '是否分頁
    public PageingStyle              '頁數(shù)風(fēng)格

    Private Templates                '自定義單元項
    private CurPage                   '當(dāng)前頁
    private PageStart     '頁面開始運行時間

    'Columns.add "Field","HeadText"
    'itemStyle.add "Field","style:adsasd"
    'HeadSort.add "Field",True

    Private Sub Class_Initialize   ' 設(shè)置 Initialize 事件。
        Set itemStyle  = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set HeadSort  = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set HeadItemStyle = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set Columns   = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set Templates  = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
        Set DataSource  = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
        Alternate   = 0
        PageStart = Timer
    End Sub

    Private Sub Class_Terminate   ' 設(shè)置 Terminate 事件。
        Set itemStyle  = Nothing
        Set HeadSort  = Nothing
        Set HeadItemStyle = Nothing
        Set Columns   = Nothing
        Set DataSource  = Nothing
    End Sub

    Private Sub InitTable()
        'Set FieldsNum    = DataSource.Fields.Count
        'Set RowsNum     = DataSource.RecordCount
        if Columns.Count = 0 then
            For i = 0 to DataSource.Fields.Count -1
                Columns.add DataSource.Fields(i).Name,DataSource.Fields(i).Name
        end if

        if IsEmpty(Style) and IsEmpty(NormalStyle) then
            DefaultStyle = 1
            DefaultStyle = Style
        end if

        CurPage = CInt(Request.QueryString("page"))
        if CurPage = "" then
            CurPage = 1
        End If

        if PageSize = Empty then
            PageSize = 10
        end if

        select Case DefaultStyle
        Case 1
            Style     ="align=center border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#cccccc'"
            Alternate    = 1
            HeadStyle    = "Height=25 style=""background-color:#006699;color:#ffffff"""
            AlternateStyle   = "bgColor=#ffffff height=25"
            NormalStyle    = "height=25 bgcolor=#f5f5f5"
            AllowPageing   = true
            tbGrid1.PageingStyle = "bgcolor='#f5f5f5' align='right'"
        Case 2
            Style     ="align=center border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=1 bgcolor='#cccccc'"
            Alternate    = 0
            HeadStyle    = "Height=25 style=""background-color:#ffffff"""
            AlternateStyle   = "bgColor=#ffffff height=25"
            NormalStyle    = "height=25 bgcolor=#ffffff"
        Case Else
        End Select
    End sub

    public Sub AddTemplate(ByVal ColumnName,ByVal Template)
        Columns.add ColumnName,ColumnName
        Templates.add ColumnName,Template
    End Sub

    public Sub Show()
        Dim tableStr
        Dim tdStart,tdEnd,tbStyle,tbContent
        Dim curRow
        Dim clm
        Dim regEx,Match,Matches
        tableStr = "table "style">"  vbCrLF
        'Draw Table Head
        for Each clm in Columns.Keys()
            tbStyle = HeadStyle  " "  HeadItemStyle(clm)
            tdStart = "th "tbStyle">"
            tdEnd = "/th>"  vbCrLf

            'Code by Redsun
            If HeadSort(clm) Then
                Response.Write Sort(clm,Columns(clm))
            End If
        Response.Write("/tr>"  vbCrLF)

        'Draw Table items
        curRow = 1
        if AllowPageing > Empty then
            DataSource.PageSize = PageSize
            DataSource.PageSize = DataSource.RecordCount
        end if

        if CurPage  1 then
            DataSource.AbsolutePage = 1
        end if

        if CurPage >= DataSource.PageCount then
            DataSource.AbsolutePage = DataSource.PageCount
        end if

        if CurPage >= 1 and CurPage = DataSource.PageCount then
            DataSource.AbsolutePage = CurPage
        end if

        for curRow = 1 to DataSource.PageSize
            if DataSource.EOF then
                Exit For
            end if

            for Each clm in Columns.Keys()
                if Alternate = 0 then
                    tbStyle = NormalStyle  " "  ItemStyle(clm)
                    if curRow mod 2 = 0 then
                        tbStyle = AlternateStyle  " "  ItemStyle(clm)
                        tbStyle = NormalStyle  " "  ItemStyle(clm)
                    end if
                end if

                tdStart = "td "tbStyle">"
                tdEnd = "/td>"  vbCrLf

                if Templates(clm) = Empty then
                    tbContent = DataSource(clm)
                    tbContent = Templates(clm)
                    Set regEx = New RegExp
                    regEx.Pattern= "{[A-Za-z0-9_-]+}"
                    regEx.IgnoreCase = True
                    regEx.Global = True
                    Set Matches=regEx.Execute(Templates(clm))
                    For each match in matches
                        On Error Resume Next
                        tbContent = Replace(tbContent,Match.Value,DataSource(Mid(Match.Value,2,Len(Match.Value)-2)),1) 

                end if

            Response.Write("/tr>"  vbCrLF)


        'Draw Pageing Row
        if DataSource.PageCount > 1 and LCase(pageingStyle) > "none" then
            Dim i,EndPage,StartPage
            response.write("td colspan="  Columns.Count  " "  PageingStyle  ">")
            'Code by Redsun
            If CurPage>4 Then
                If CurPage+2DataSource.PageCount Then
                    StartPage = CurPage-2
                    EndPage = CurPage+2
                    StartPage = DataSource.PageCount-4
                    EndPage = DataSource.PageCount
                End If
                StartPage = 1
                If DataSource.PageCount>5 Then
                    EndPage = 5
                    EndPage = DataSource.PageCount
                End If
            End If
            If CurPage>1 Then
                Response.Write "a title='首頁' href='"GetUrl("page")"page=1'>font face=webdings>9/font>/a> "
                Response.Write "a title='上頁' href='"GetUrl("page")"page="CurPage-1"'>font face=webdings>3/font>/a> "
                Response.Write "font face=webdings>9/font> "
                Response.Write "font face=webdings>3/font> "
            End If 
            For i=StartPage to EndPage
                if i > CurPage then
                    response.write("a title='第"i"頁' href='"GetUrl("page")"page="i"'>"i"/a> ")
                    response.write("b>"i"/b> ")
                End if
            If CurPageDataSource.PageCount Then
                Response.Write "a title='下頁' href='"GetUrl("page")"page="CurPage+1"'>font face=webdings>4/font>/a> "
                Response.Write "a title='尾頁' href='"GetUrl("page")"page="DataSource.PageCount"'>font face=webdings>:/font>/a> "
                Response.Write "font face=webdings>4/font> "
                Response.Write "font face=webdings>:/font> "
            End If
            Response.Write " nbsp;nbsp;[共"DataSource.RecordCount"條] ["PageSize"條/頁] [共"DataSource.PageCount"頁]"
            Response.Write " PageExecute:"Round((Timer-PageStart)*1000,2)" MS"
            response.write("/td>/tr>"  vbCrLf)
        End if
        'Draw Table end
    End sub

    'Codeing by Redsun
    Private Function GetUrl(RemoveList)
        Dim ScriptAddress, M_ItemUrl, M_item
        ScriptAddress = CStr(Request.ServerVariables("SCRIPT_NAME"))"?"'取得當(dāng)前地址
        M_ItemUrl = ""
        For Each M_item In Request.QueryString
            If InStr(RemoveList,M_Item)=0 Then
                M_ItemUrl = M_ItemUrl  M_Item "=" Server.URLEncode(Request.QueryString(""M_Item""))  ""
            End If
        GetUrl = ScriptAddress  M_ItemUrl
    End Function

    Private Function Sort(SortStr,DispName)
        If SortStr = "" Or DispName="" Then Exit Function
        Sort = GetUrl("SOrder,SSort")
        SSort = UCase(Request.QueryString("SSort"))
        If SSort = "DESC" Then
            SSort = "ASC" 
            SSort = "DESC"
        End If
        Sort = "a class='headhref' href='"Sort"SOrder="SortStr"SSort="SSort"'>"DispNameSortType(SortStr)"/a>"
    End Function

    Private Function SortType(FieldName)
        Dim SOrderName
        SOrderName = Request.QueryString("SOrder")
        If SOrderName>FieldName Then Exit Function
        Dim SSortImg
        SSortImg = Request.QueryString("SSort")
        SortType = "img src='/OrderFormSystem/images/"SSortImg".gif' border='0'>"
    End Function

End Class

'users Like { UserID,LoginName,Password,RealName,Age,Gender,}
Rs.Open "Select * from users",Cn
Dim tbGrid1
Set tbGrid1 = New TBGrid
Set tbGrid1.DataSource = Rs
tbGrid1.Columns.add "LoginName","用戶名"
tbGrid1.HeadSort.add "LoginName",True
tbGrid1.Columns.add "Password","密碼"
tbGrid1.AddTemplate "修改","a href='aaa.asp?id={UserID}'>font color=red>{RealName}/font>/a>"
tbGrid1.ItemStyle.add "Password","align=right"
tbGrid1.ItemStyle.add "修改","width=100"
tbGrid1.PageSize = 5
tbGrid1.AllowPageing = true
tbGrid1.PageingStyle = "align=right"

標(biāo)簽:家電維修 泰州 昌都 咸陽 溫州 麗江 昆明 鐵嶺

巨人網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊聲明:本文標(biāo)題《ASP數(shù)據(jù)島操作類》,本文關(guān)鍵詞  ASP,數(shù)據(jù),島,操作,類,ASP,;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權(quán)問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P(guān)信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),涉及言論、版權(quán)與本站無關(guān)。
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