
主頁 > 知識庫 > Yii中特殊行為ActionFilter的使用方法示例


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新建 app\filters\LoggingFilter 繼承 yii\base\ActionFilter

LoggingFilter 的功能: 在指定請求的 action 前后各記錄一條日志


namespace app\filters;

use yii\base\ActionFilter;

class LoggingFilter extends ActionFilter
 public function beforeAction($action)

  // To do something
  printf('This is a logging for %s\beforeAction.%s', $this->getActionId($action), PHP_EOL);

  return true;

 public function afterAction($action, $result)
  parent::afterAction($action, $result);

  // To do something
  printf('This is a logging for %s\afterAction.%s', $this->getActionId($action), PHP_EOL);

  return true;

新建 app\controllers\SystemController


namespace app\controllers;

use app\filters\LoggingFilter;

class SystemController extends \yii\web\Controller
 public function behaviors()

  return [
   'anchorAuth' => [
    'class' => LoggingFilter::className(),
    'only' => ['test', 'test-one'], // 僅對 'test'、'test-one' 生效
    'except' => ['test-one'], // 排除 'test-one'

 public function actionTestOne()
  printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL);

 public function actionTestTwo()
  printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL);

 public function actionTest()
  printf('This is a testing for %s.%s', $this->getRoute(), PHP_EOL);


請求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test

This is a logging for test\beforeAction.
This is a testing for system/test.
This is a logging for test\afterAction.

請求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test-one

This is a testing for system/test-one.

請求 http://yii.test/index.php?r=system/test-two

This is a testing for system/test-two.


Yii 中的 ActionFilter(過濾器)相當于 Laravel 中的 Middleware(中間件),beforeAction 相當于前置中間件,afterAction 相當于后置中間件。


標簽:池州 那曲 北京 哈密 阿里 孝感 濟源 日照

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