
主頁 > 知識庫 > MySQL常用SQL語句總結(jié)包含復(fù)雜SQL查詢


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select Sno as 學(xué)號,Sname as 姓名 from student;
select Sno,Sname from student;



select * from student;



select Sname as 姓名,(2014-Sage) as 出生年 from student;
select Sname ,(2014-Sage) from student;



select distinct Sno as 選修了課程的學(xué)生學(xué)號 from SC;
select distinct Sno from SC;




select Sname as 學(xué)生姓名 from student where Sdept='IS';


select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年齡 from student where Sage20;



select Sname as 姓名,Sdept as 系別,Sage as 年齡 from student where Sage between20 and 23;

注意between 小數(shù) and 大數(shù)。

1.4、in和not in確定集合


select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性別 from student where Sdept='IS' or Sdept='CS';
select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性別 from student where Sdept in ('IS','CS');


select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年齡 from student where Sdept !='IS'and Sdept!='CS';
select Sname as 姓名,Sage as 年齡 from student where Sdept not in('IS','MA');

1.5、字符匹配(like % _ )


select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性別 from student where Sname like '李%';


select Sno as 學(xué)號,Sname as 姓名,Sdept as 系別 from student where Sno like'2002%';


select * from student where Sname not like'劉%';


select Cno as 課程號,Cname as 課程名,Ccredit as 學(xué)分 from course where Cname like '%數(shù)據(jù)%';


select * from course where cname like '%數(shù)據(jù)%';包含數(shù)據(jù)的字符串 
select * from course where cname like '數(shù)據(jù)%';以數(shù)據(jù)開頭的字符串
select * from course where cname like '%數(shù)據(jù)'; 以數(shù)據(jù)結(jié)尾的字符串

1.6、涉及空值的查詢(is null)


select Cno as 課程號,Cname as 課程名,Cpno from course where Cpno is null;


select Sno as 學(xué)號,Cno as 課程號,Grade as 成績 from SC where Grade is not null;

1.7、查詢結(jié)果排序(order by )


select Sno as 學(xué)號,Grade as 成績 from SC where Cno=3 order by Grade desc;


select Sno as 學(xué)號,Grade as 成績 from SC where Cno=3 order by Grade asc;




select count(*) as 學(xué)生總數(shù) from student;


select sum(Ccredit) as 所有課程總學(xué)分 from course;


select avg(Sage) as 平均年齡 from student;


select max(Grade) as 1號課程的最高分 from SC where Cno=1;

1.9、分組統(tǒng)計(group by)


select Ssex as 性別,count(*) as 人數(shù) from student group by Ssex;


select Cno as 課程號,avg(Grade) as 平均分 from SC group by Cno;


select Sno as 學(xué)號 ,count(course.Cno) as 選修課程數(shù)
From SC,course
Where course.Cno=SC.Cno
Group by Sno
Having Count(course.Cno)>=3;

having 關(guān)鍵字后面直接跟聚集函數(shù)

在 SQL 中增加 HAVING 子句原因是,WHERE 關(guān)鍵字無法與合計函數(shù)一起使用。

SELECT column_name, aggregate_function(column_name)
FROM table_name
WHERE column_name operator value
GROUP BY column_name
HAVING aggregate_function(column_name) operator value


select Sno as 學(xué)號 ,count(course.Cno) as 選修課程數(shù)
From SC,course
Where course.Cno=SC.Cno and course.Cno !=1
Group by Sno
Having Count(course.Cno)>=2;


Select Sno
from sc
Where sc.Grade60
Group by Sno
Having count(Cno)>=2;


Select Cno,count(Sno)
From SC
Group by Cno
Having count(sno)>=2




select student.Sno as 學(xué)號,course.Cno as 選修課號,SC.Grade as 成績 
from student,course,SC 
where student.Sno=SC.Sno and course.Cno=SC.Cno ;



select SC.Sno as 學(xué)號,
FIRST.Cname as 直接選修課,
SECOND.Cname as 間接選修課
from SC,
course as FIRST,
course as SECOND
where FIRST.Cno=SC.Cno
and FIRST.Cpno=SECOND.Cno;



select student.Sno as 學(xué)號,
Sname as 姓名,
sc.Cno as 選修課程號
from student 

join 用于根據(jù)兩個或多個表中的列之間的關(guān)系,從這些表中查詢數(shù)據(jù)

JOIN: 如果表中有至少一個匹配,則返回行
LEFT JOIN: 即使右表中沒有匹配,也從左表返回所有的行
RIGHT JOIN: 即使左表中沒有匹配,也從右表返回所有的行
FULL JOIN: 只要其中一個表中存在匹配,就返回行
UNION 操作符用于合并兩個或多個 SELECT 語句的結(jié)果集。
請注意,UNION 內(nèi)部的 SELECT 語句必須擁有相同數(shù)量的列。列也必須擁有相似的數(shù)據(jù)類型。同時,每條 SELECT 語句中的列的順序必須相同。

3 、嵌套查詢

(1)帶有IN謂詞的子查詢( 屬性 in (子查詢的查詢結(jié)果) )


select *
from student
where Sdept in (
 select Sdept
 from student
 where Sname='王敏'


select *
from student
where Sdept not in (
 select Sdept
 from student


select student.Sno as 學(xué)號, Sname as 姓名
from student,SC
where student.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno in (
 select Cno
 from course
 where Cname='信息系統(tǒng)'


select distinct student.Sno as 學(xué)號, Sname as 姓名
from student,SC
where student.Sno=SC.Sno and Cno in (
 select Cno
 from SC,student
 where SC.Sno=student.Sno and student.Sno in (
 select Sno
 from student
 where student.Sname='劉晨'
  • 內(nèi)層in 查出劉晨的學(xué)號sno,外層in查出劉晨所上課程的課程號。


【例】查詢與王敏同學(xué)在同一個系的所有學(xué)生信息  (=判斷)

select *
from student
where Sdept=(
 select Sdept
 from student
 where Sname='王敏'


select Cno
from SC a
where Grade> (
 select min(Grade)
 from SC b
 where a.Cno=b.Cno


select Cno
from SC a
where Grade> (
 select avg(Grade)
 from SC b
 where a.Sno=b.Sno


  • ANY表示任何一個,ALL表示所有,可以用在子查詢的括號前面


select Sname as 姓名,Ssex as 性別, Sage as 年齡, Sdept as 所在系
from student
where Sage (
 select Sage
 from student
 where Sdept='CS'


select Sname as 姓名, Sage as 年齡
from student
where Sdept>'CS' and Sage ALL (
 select Sage
 from student
 where Sdept='CS'

(4 )帶有Exists謂詞的子查詢


select Sname as 姓名
from student
where Exists (
 select *
 from SC
 where Cno=1 and Sno=Student.Sno



【例】 查詢計算機(jī)系的學(xué)生及年齡不大于19歲的學(xué)生詳細(xì)信息。

select *
from student
where student.Sdept='CS'
select *
from student
where student.Sage=19;


【例】查詢選修了1號課程的與年齡不大于19歲的 學(xué)生 詳細(xì)信息 的交集。

Select *
from student,SC
where student.Sno=SC.Sno and SC.Cno=1
Select *
from student
where student.Sage=19;



select *
from student
where student.Sdept='SC'
select *
from student
where student.Sage=19;



  • MySQL查詢重寫插件的使用
  • 一篇文章弄懂MySQL查詢語句的執(zhí)行過程
  • Python使用sql語句對mysql數(shù)據(jù)庫多條件模糊查詢的思路詳解
  • MySQL 數(shù)據(jù)庫 like 語句通配符模糊查詢小結(jié)
  • 淺談pymysql查詢語句中帶有in時傳遞參數(shù)的問題
  • MySQL模糊查詢語句整理集合
  • mysql語句查詢用戶權(quán)限過程詳解
  • SQL語句執(zhí)行深入講解(MySQL架構(gòu)總覽->查詢執(zhí)行流程->SQL解析順序)
  • MySQL 重寫查詢語句的三種策略

標(biāo)簽:拉薩 安徽 嘉峪關(guān) 甘南 葫蘆島 吐魯番 洛陽

巨人網(wǎng)絡(luò)通訊聲明:本文標(biāo)題《MySQL常用SQL語句總結(jié)包含復(fù)雜SQL查詢》,本文關(guān)鍵詞  MySQL,常用,SQL,語句,總結(jié),;如發(fā)現(xiàn)本文內(nèi)容存在版權(quán)問題,煩請?zhí)峁┫嚓P(guān)信息告之我們,我們將及時溝通與處理。本站內(nèi)容系統(tǒng)采集于網(wǎng)絡(luò),涉及言論、版權(quán)與本站無關(guān)。
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