IF Exists(Select 1 From sysobjects Where Name='sp_search' And xType='P') Drop Procedure sp_search go /* 模糊查詢的通用存儲過程 create by sxm,date 2009-7-14 參數(shù): @table_name 表名 @condition 條件 */ create proc sp_search(@table_name varchar(200),@condition varchar(100)) with encryption as begin declare @strsql varchar(8000) declare @col_name varchar(100) declare @str_cols varchar(8000) set @str_cols='' --查詢表中的列名 declare cur_1 cursor for select column_name from information_schema.columns where table_name=@table_name open cur_1 fetch cur_1 into @col_name while @@fetch_status=0 begin --組合查詢條件 set @str_cols=@str_cols + @col_name+' like ''%' + @condition+ '%''' + ' or ' fetch cur_1 into @col_name end --while close cur_1 deallocate cur_1 set @str_cols=left(@str_cols,len(@str_cols)-3) --print @str_cols set @strsql='select * from '+@table_name+' where '+ @str_cols exec(@strsql) end