
主頁 > 知識庫 > 使用VBS瀏覽本地文件的3種方式,獲取完整路徑


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Function BrowseForFile( )
' Select File dialog based on a script by Mayayana
' Known issues:
' * Tree view always opens Desktop folder
' * In Win7/IE8 only the file NAME is returned correctly, the path returned will always be C:\fakepath\

' * If a shortcut to a file is selected, the name of that FILE will be returned, not the shortcut's
'On Error Resume Next 
'===========1, file browserer in XP ==================
Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
objDialog.Filter = "txt|*.txt"
objDialog.InitialDir = "C:\"
intResult = objDialog.ShowOpen
If intResult > 0 Then
	BrowseForFile = objDialog.FileName
	exit function
	msgbox "Error."
End If
end function

2003下'for windows 2003

Function SelectAFile
Set objDialog = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileOpen")
intResult = objDialog.OpenFileOpenDlg
SelectAFile = objDialog.FileName
End Function


Function BrowseForFile( )
 '===========2, fileselect in IE ====================== 
 'Another way to get file path
  Dim objIE, strSelected
  BrowseForFile = ""
  Set objIE = CreateObject( "InternetExplorer.Application" )
objIE.ToolBar = False
objIE.Resizable = False
objIE.StatusBar = False 
objIE.Width = 300
objIE.Height = 100
  objIE.visible = True
  objIE.Navigate( "about:blank" )
  Do Until objIE.ReadyState = 4
 ' Center the dialog window on the screen
 With objIE.Document.ParentWindow.Screen
 objIE.Left = (.AvailWidth - objIE.Width ) \ 4
 objIE.Top = (.Availheight - objIE.Height) \ 4
 End With 
  objIE.Document.Write "HTML>BODY>INPUT ID=""FileSelect"" NAME=""FileSelect"" TYPE=""file"">BODY>/HTML>"
  With objIE.Document.all.FileSelect
    strSelected = .value
  End With
  Set objIE = Nothing  
 If Trim(strSelected) = "" Then
 Msgbox "You selected no file."
 End If
 BrowseForFile = strSelected
End Function



Function ChooseFile()
   Dim Result
   Result = ""
   Dim IE : Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
   With IE
     .Visible = False
     Do Until .ReadyState = 4 : Loop
     With .Document
       .Write "html>body>input id='f' type='file'>/body>/html>"
       With .All.f
         Result = .Value
       End With
     End With
   End With
   Set IE = Nothing
  ChooseFile = Result
End Function

好了這篇 關(guān)于vbs選擇本地文件功能的代碼就介紹到這了,需要的朋友可以參考一下。

標(biāo)簽:西安 文山 四平 邢臺 湖州 銅川 鶴壁

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